Leaky Gut Complete Microbiome Stool Test


Leaky Gut Complete Microbiome Stool Test


This test is only available for UK & European delivery.

Please note included in the cost of your test is advice, interpretation and support from our functional medicine team on your results.

You will be asked to fill out a patient form at checkout which will give us more information on your symptoms, current medications and supplement intake.

Symptoms the Leaky Gut Complete Test is suitable for:

  • Swollen stomach

  • Flatulence

  • Constipation

  • Food intolerance

  • Migraine

  • Fatigue

  • Sleeping disorders

  • Concentration difficulties

  • Chronic joint pain

  • Chronic muscle pain

With the Leaky Gut Complete Test, you receive an extensive examination of your intestine based on your stool sample:

1.) Candida and mold
2.) Bacterial imbalance of the intestinal flora
3.) pH-value of the stool
4.) Alpha-1-antitrypsin (inflammation)
5.) Secretory IgA (gut mucosal immunology)
6.) Zonulin value

This stool collection kit is couriered to you via DHL, with instructions for use at home, note UK orders must pay for return UK postage to London. Results take 2-3 weeks and reports are sent via email along with our recommendations.

Suitable for all ages

In the leaky gut syndrome the intestinal mucosa becomes permeable – The immune system reacts with inflammatory and allergic processes.

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Who should take the test?

Leaky gut syndrome affects in particular the small intestine, not the large one. But what does it mean when the small intestine is leaking?

The intestinal mucosa is a barrier between the intestinal contents and the blood circulation. When the barrier is intact, the intestinal mucosa allows only water and the necessary nutrients to pass into the bloodstream. In the leaky gut syndrome the intestinal mucosa becomes permeable – harmful substances pass unhindered into the bloodstream. The immune system reacts with inflammatory and allergic processes. Triggers may be an unhealthy diet, stress, infections as well as a frequent intake of antibiotics.

The test Leaky Gut Complete Test  includes a Zonulin Test. The protein molecule zonulin is a suitable marker to measure the permeability of the intestinal mucosa. Zonulin regulates the exchange of fluid, macromolecules and leukocytes between bloodstream and intestinal lumen. High zonulin values can typically be observed in case of Diabetes Type 1, autoimmune diseases, celiac disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, food intolerances and other chronic diseases.

The test analyzes the values of the following analytes:

  • Escherichia coli

  • Proteus

  • Citrobacter

  • Klebsiella

  • Other enterobacteriaceae

  • Enterococci

  • Pseudomonas

  • Bacteroides

  • Bifidobacteria

  • Lactobacilli

  • Clostridia

  • pH-Value

  • Candida albicans

  • Candida spec.

  • Geotrichum candidum

  • Yeast

  • Alpha-1-Antitrypsin

  • Secretory IgA

  • Zonulin

Our Leaky Gut Complete Test gives you information about the condition of your intestinal mucosa as an impermeable gut is necessary for your general health and well-being.

How does it work?

You collect the samples at home, send them back to the labs. Results ready in approximately 2-3 weeks.

Sample report can be found HERE