Candida Test - Stool Test & Oral Swab


Candida Test - Stool Test & Oral Swab


This test is only available for UK & European delivery.

Please note included in the cost of your test is advice, interpretation and support from our functional medicine team on your results.

You will be asked to fill out a patient form at checkout which will give us more information on your symptoms, current medications and supplement intake.

With the Candida Test, your stool sample is examined to determine:

1.) Candida albicans
2.) Candida spec.
3.) Geotrichum candidum
4.) Yeast
5.) pH-value of the stool

It includes the examination of a mouth swab to determine oral candida.

Candida & intestinal fungi can lead to a variety of complaints – e.g. during digestion, but also to a weak immune system, sleeping disorders, food intolerances and concentration difficulties.

Symptoms the Candida Test is suitable for:

  • Swollen stomach

  • Flatulence

  • Constipation

  • Food intolerance

  • Burning stomach acid

  • Sensitive areas on the body

  • Fungal infections on the skin or nails

  • Eczema

  • Diaper rash

  • Pain during intercourse

  • Vaginal itching

  • Menstrual disorders

  • Prostate problems

  • Bladder infections

  • Hemorrhoids

  • Chronically stuffy nose

  • Bad breath

  • Fatigue

  • Sleeping disorders

  • This stool collection kit is couriered to you via DHL, with instructions for use at home, note UK orders must pay for return UK postage to London. Results take 2-3 weeks and reports are sent via email along with our recommendations.

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Are you suffering from digestion problems? Concerned about your fatigue and sleeping disorders? Perhaps you are struggeling with skin rashes?

About a third of people have candida in their mouth, gut or vagina. Candida are yeast fungi that we usually absorb through food without noticing. As long as we have a healthy gut flora, we eliminate these yeasts without further consequences for our body. Candida is usually harmless, but can spread and cause candidosis if the immune system or the gut is weakened.

The test analyses the values of the following analytes:

  • pH-Value

  • Candida albicans

  • Geotrichum candidum

  • Yeast

Our Candida Test gives you information about the candida concentration in your gut and mouth. In case of a detected candida overgrowth, you can work to restore the balance of your gut as a healthy gut flora is the best protection against future candida infestation.

What will my results tell me?

Your results will provide detailed information about whether your pH-Value, candida albicans, geotrichum candidum and yeast levels are normal, low, or high compared to reference ranges in your age group.


Fecal pH is influenced by numerous factors, but is largely dependet on the fermentation of fiber by the beneficial flora of the gut. With a balanced diet the fecal pH should lie between 6,2 and 6,8. Acid fecal pH indicates disorders of intestinal ecology. An alkaline fecal pH indicated an imbalanced intestine flora. It is possible that proteolytic putrefactive germs are predominant, which raise the fecal pH through alkaline metabolites (e.g. due to a high-protein diet).

Candida albicans

The genus Candida is comprised of approximately 200 different species. Candida albicans is the most common strain of them. It is a normal part of the gut flora and most people have some level of Candida albicans in their intestines. But a combination of factors can lead to an overgrowth, which then leads to several undesirable symptoms including fatigue, weight gain, joint pain, and gas.

Candida spec.

Increased candida species indicates deficiancies in colonisation resitance, disturbances of the intestinal flora and or a defect mucosa. Candida species may burden the body with toxic metabolites. Some patients respont to even low rates of yeast overgrowth.

Geotrichum candidum

Geotrichum candidum belongs to the Endomyceteaceae family. This organism can be found in soil, dairy products and in human skin and mucosae. Symptoms of Geotrichum infection have been associated with diarrhea and enteritis.


An infection with yeasts can have many reasons. Possible causes are things like corticosteroid therapy, stress, diabetes, malnutrition or birth control pills. All of them weaken the immune system and a weakened immune system cannot control yeast or help you get rid of it. Antibiotics are also a common cause of yeast infection because they destroy the good bacteria that keep it under control.


Why shouldn't you eat unwashed fruit or vegetables before using the mouth swab?

There are often tiny traces of fungi on unwashed fruit and vegetables. These are completely harmless for a healthy body, since the immune system prevents the fungi from multiplying in the body. Nevertheless, the fungi are still inside your mouth for a certain time and can therefore be detected in the test. In order to assure correct results, it is advisable to wash fruit and vegetables well in the 2-3 days before the test.

How do Candida infections develop?

Candida is everywhere around us and usually also present in small numbers in our intestines. However, the immune system and our gut bacteria prevent it from spreading. If the intestine is weakened, for example when the "good" intestinal bacteria have been decimated by antibiotics, the fungus can multiply unhindered.

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