I had seen numerous specialists but meeting Amie was life changing

I've never written a review about anyone before, but I feel compelled to share, just how life changing meeting Amie was for my family and I.

From 2013 my health deteriorated with a ridiculous myriad of symptoms, causing me to be very unwell and unable to function or care for our son for weeks and months at a time.
I had been passed from pillar to post between GPs and Specialists.

In 2017 I was fortunate enough to land myself with a truly wonderful NHS GP, who took interest in my case. She suggested I see a Dietician or Nutritionist to support her work in getting to the bottom of things. Soon after seeing my GP, my symptoms worsened, my health declined rapidly and I was bounced between many more health professionals.
I put off going to see Amie at Body Fabulous because my situation was now very serious and I assumed I needed 'more than just a Nutritionist'.
I had seen numerous specialists, desperately trying to figure out what was wrong with me including many, many GPs, a top Immunologist in the South, two Allergy Specialists, two Neurologists, a Cardiologist, an ENT Specialist, a Psychologist, a Gastroenterologist and had also tried many holistic Doctors and therapies to no avail. During this time I had been given a wide variety of medications, all of which I reacted to.
Endless appointments, three months bedridden, eight months housebound... and no one could suggest what could be wrong with me, frequently putting me into the 'too hard basket', labelling my multisystemic issues as mental health.

I went to Body Fabulous with no expectations or trust in healthcare professionals.

The day I met Amie, is the day our lives started to turn around. I left Body Fabulous feeling 'safe'.
Within an hour of meeting Amie, she suspected a diagnosis. She worked tirelessly providing me with, often lifesaving support, until she found the correct Specialist for me to see and who was able to confirm the diagnosis (a rare disease called MCAS).

Amie is highly intelligent and very highly trained, which is acknowledged by her many awards. I don't feel the title 'Nutritionist' does her justice... she is that and so, so much more.
Her character is kind, warm, professional and humble. She is a genuine and honest soul, who has an outstanding approach to her clients and professionals alike.

Her appointments are incredibly thorough, leaving no stone unturned. Her follow-up reports and advice are excellent and her response to any email question has always been incredibly efficient.

It is with no exaggeration, I say that had I not have met Amie, I may well not be here today.
I have recommended her to many friends and many medical professionals and will continue to do so.

From a minor health niggle, to a bigger health trauma, to a long term chronic issue, Amie should be your STARTING POINT, not your last resort.